Pelan Super Jimat CzipLee

The CzipParliament is now in session…The ‘gomen’ do, we do one better for you!

We’re rolling out sales in phases with our special Pelan Super Jimat!
Each phase offers a new discount, with the 4th week being an extra special Super Saver Weekend! Wondering what that is? Keep your eyes peeled and watch this space because we promise it will be something FUN!

Kicking off the first phase, Pick up more writing instruments (you can never have too many) to storage and organization stuff (time to Marie Kondo your way out of FMCO!) Add colour to the otherwise bleak and mundane week with the classic @naladesigns inspired by Malaysian culture and shop for the kids!

(Ping us for the pdf download ?)
Which phase are you eager to get to?
Let us know in the comments!

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